Becoming an intelligent customer
You outsource regular giving programs to expand your fundraising capacity. We can help you to become an intelligent customer in the outsourcing market.
An intelligent customer understands the market in which they operate
An intelligent customer has the oversight and understanding of how their programs are running and the ability to properly monitor them
An intelligent customer has skills and knowledge to manage their programs
An intelligent customer makes decisions based on evidence and good information
Our products and services are a direct response to our philosophy and our clients' needs.

All About us
So, it's not really about us, it's about YOU. But, whilst you're here we can share a little about our story.
Firstly, you need to know that we are lucky to be together. Before we met, we were three independent consultants with different skillsets and a shared vision, who were fighting the same battles from different angles.
In 2019 our paths crossed and we found we could achieve more together than apart. This was great timing, as COVID was just around the corner, and the bond we built got us through those dark days.
Today we are very proud of what we have achieved and what we have become, and we extend our thanks to all of those who have share the journey with us.
Adam G. Watson MFIA's experience is unique. After six years working for the UK's largest door-to-door fundraising agency, Adam moved to Australia in 2010 and continued to perform at the highest level of the industry working with agencies and charities.
He has represented over 60 charities, held senior management roles in three agencies, run one IOF award winning campaign, and was a runner-up for the IFC 'small budget big ideas' award in 2009.
In his first charity role, Adam was responsible for quadrupling the number of new and active regular givers and improving retention figures and LTV.
In 2015 Adam founded and now heads up Fundraising Partners, a charitable fundraising consultancy network based in Sydney with national and international reach. He is also a director of The Benchmarking Project alongside Fi McPhee and the other Fundraising Partners.
He is a member of the Fundraising Institute of Australia (FIA), a speaker at numerous fundraising events including Fundraising Forum and FIA Conference, and an occasional industry commentator for Fundraising and Philanthropy Magazine.

Paul Tavatgis FFIA is a Brisbane-based fundraiser with 20 years’ experience in the not-for-profit and fundraising sector in Australia, starting in 1996 inside a giant candle suit representing Amnesty International on stage in front of 800 high school students. Paul has since worked with charities, fundraising agencies and sector organisations with a single goal – to make fundraising as effective and responsible as possible.
Between 2002 and 2012 Paul helped build Cornucopia Consultancy into one of Australia’s leading face to face agencies, representing Australia’s leading charities in their acquisition of hundreds of thousands of new donors.
Paul supported more than sixty organisations to create the Public Fundraising Regulatory Association. As CEO of the PFRA he represented fundraising to the media and to government at all levels. He is now working with the US fundraising sector to build the Professional Face-to-face Fundraising Association.
As a consultant Paul has worked with more than fifty organisations, building fundraising programs, supporting best practice and finding ways to make it easier for clients to achieve their goals.

Peter Coleman, Ph.D. MFIA, is a Melbourne-based fundraiser with over a decade of experience working in the not-for-profit sector. Starting out as a face-to-face fundraiser, he eventually became Managing Director of one of Australia’s leading face-to-face and telephone-fundraising consultancies.
He has worked as a consultant with both charity and supplier clients and possesses a keen understanding of what makes fundraising ‘work’, both in terms of donor acquisition and stewardship. He is a huge believer in ‘joy’ and ‘delight’ as key drivers of success.
Peter served on the Board of Directors of the PFRA and maintains an unwavering commitment to ethical employee engagement and fundraising best practice.
He is also very proud of his work in the LGBT community, including two years volunteering as a phone counsellor with the Victorian Gay & Lesbian Switchboard.
Before entering the world of fundraising, Peter earned a Ph.D. in Critical Theory & Cultural Studies at Monash University, where he also worked as a sessional tutor teaching Eastern Philosophy to Undergraduate Students.
Genevieve Watson CA CPA looks after all aspects of finance and ensures compliance to statutory and regulatory requirements as Head of Finance and Company Secretary of Fundraising Partners.
She brings significant finance and accounting experience from her previous roles managing the reporting requirements of investment funds and operating companies.
Genevieve started her career in audit working for Ernst & Young and KPMG, and, after five years, moved on to specialise in fund accounting working for UBS, Macquarie and, more recently, a Sydney-based specialist global fund manager, where she gained extensive exposure in Australian statutory and management reporting.
Genevieve holds a bachelor's degree in accountancy from the University of St. La Salle, Philippines, and is a Member of both the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants.