#15 Is your brand big enough to run an F2F campaign?
There’s no doubt that your consultant or fundraising specialist has told you that you need a regular giving product, and you know that...

#14 Six wedding guests wore the same dress
If you’ve been tuned into 24-hour news cycle for the last 72 hours you would surely have seen a momentary dip in quality journalism. A...

#13 Finding the balance between revenue and relationship
Many regular giving managers will frequently assess the health of their program by running reports that measure the cost effectiveness of...

#12 Get the right mystery shoppers for your campaign
Have you ever found that your suppliers’ management team did not welcome the results of a mystery shop? Did this strike you as odd?...

#11 How to train your cause – Flatter to engage and entertain to educate
I’ve been on the receiving end of charity presentations that bore my socks off no matter how excited I was before entering the room. This...