Learning the lessons of F2F 2016-2023
The past seven years have been turbulent. Fires, droughts, floods, and a pandemic to name a few issues. The world of face-to-face (F2F)...

Guarding your charity's integrity: The power of supplier alignment and ongoing support
An area of our work that we know to be vital for the success of RG is due diligence and ongoing maintenance. We are fortunate enough to...

#73 The most dangerous time for F2F fundraising
This is, without doubt or hyperbole, the most dangerous time for face-to-face fundraising. We have recently witnessed the end of a...

#52 True or false? One fifth of your f2f donors will never debit
After having a conversation with a senior manager of a top-tier f2f agency, my imagination was sparked to poke and prod a fundraising...

#7 The attrition’s terrible, but their volume is huge.
One of the first assertions I heard when moving charity-side was the notion that you needed a balance of F2F agencies as they all offer...

#5 The usual suspects of attrition
The hard truth is that sometimes agencies provide poor quality donors. I’m sure that this is not a practice that always has menace...